Le distribil

> ansible-perso

Rôles personnels pour Ansible

git clone https://git.lett.re/public/ansible-perso.git


			# ansible-perso

Personal Ansible role for my machines / servers.

[![pipeline status](https://framagit.org/HS-157/ansible-perso/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://framagit.org/HS-157/ansible-perso/-/commits/master)

## Roles

* [grim](roles/grim) : Screenshot capture for [Sway](https://swaywm.org/) and work with [Slurp](https://github.com/emersion/slurp).
* [mako](roles/mako) : Lightweight notification daemon for [Sway](https://swaywm.org/).
* [mpd](roles/mpd) : Music player server.
* [mpv](roles/mpv) : Media player for the command line.
* [ncmpcpp](roles/ncmpcpp) : NCurses Music Player Client (Plus Plus).
* [nftables](roles/nftables) : Linux firewall.
* [openvpn](roles/wireguard) : OpenVPN client.
* [pikaur](roles/pikaur) : AUR helper write in Python.
* [ranger](roles/ranger) : A VIM-inspired filemanager for the console .
* [ssh](roles/ssh) : OpenSSH server.
* [sway](roles/sway) : Tiling Wayland compositor like [i3wm](https://i3wm.org/)
* [tmux](roles/tmux) : Terminal multiplexer.
* [vim](roles/vim) : Neovim : Vim-fork.
* [waybar](roles/waybar) : Highly customizable Wayland bar for [Sway](https://swaywm.org/).
* [wget](roles/wget) : HTTP / HTTPS command-line client.
* [wireguard-server](roles/wireguard-server) : Wireguard VPN server.
* [wireguard](roles/wireguard) : Wireguard VPN client.
* [yt-dl](roles/yt-dl) : Command-line program to download videos.
* [zsh](roles/zsh) : Z shell.

## One shot

This scripts used for provisioning one time.

### [base_lxc.yml](one_shot/base_lxc.yml)

This script use for provisioning LXC containers with minimal configuration.

You need execute this script on LXC host.
wget https://framagit.org/HS-157/ansible-perso/-/raw/master/one_shot/base_lxc.yml -O /tmp/base_lxc.yml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-community/contrib-scripts/main/inventory/lxc_inventory.py -O /tmp/lxc_inventory.py
chmod +x /tmp/lxc_inventory.py
sudo ansible-playbook -i /tmp/lxc_inventory.py /tmp/base_lxc.yml

For run this script on LXC containers, you need this [inventory plugin](https://github.com/ansible-community/contrib-scripts/blob/main/inventory/lxc_inventory.py) get list of LXC containers.

## Requirements

* [Ansible](https://www.ansible.com)
* [Ansible-aur](https://github.com/kewlfft/ansible-aur) for [pikaur](roles/pikaur) role

## Requirements test

* [Molecule](https://molecule.readthedocs.io)
* [Molecule-vagrant](https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule-vagrant)
* [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/)
* [Vagrant-libvirt](https://github.com/vagrant-libvirt/vagrant-libvirt)
* [Infratest](https://testinfra.readthedocs.io)

## License

* *BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License* ([LICENSE](LICENSE))

## Role template

I use [copier](https://github.com/copier-org/copier) for create role from my [personnal template](https://lab.shelter.moe/HS-157/copier-ansible).
> Hydrozincite



git clone https://git.lett.re/public/hydrozincite.git


			# Hydrozincite - Zn₅(CO₃)₂(OH)₆

A simple static page generator for Git repositories.

## Installation

### PyPI

You can find on [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/hydrozincite/) and install via your favorite package installer for Python, like [pip](https://pypi.org/project/pip/).

python3 -m pip install hydrozincite

### Source

From source, need [build](https://pypi.org/project/build/) & [pdm-backend](https://pypi.org/project/pdm-backend/) as build dependencies.

python3 -m build --wheel

And install via your favorite package installer.

python3 -m pip install dist/*.whl

Or directly via [pdm](https://pdm.fming.dev).

pdm install

### Archlinux

On Archlinux, via the PKGBUILD file.

makepkg -scri

## Usage

You can show help via `hydrozincite --help`.

# Genereate HTML page
hydrozincite --repositories "" --output "" --clone-url ""
# Show info on your repositories
hydrozincite info
# Show info on repository hooks
hydrozincite hook
# Write hooks on your repositories
hydrozincite hook --write

It's possible use a config file from 
`./hydrozincite.toml`, `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hydrozincite/config.toml`, `~/.config/hydrozincite/config.toml`, `/etc/hydrozincite/config.toml"` or via `--conf ` parameter.

title = "Awesome git repositories !"
clone_url = "https://git.foo.bar"

path = ""

output = ""
template = ""
theme = "default"

## Contributing

* See [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://forge.dotslashplay.it/HS-157/Hydrozincite/-/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)

## License

* [BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License](https://forge.dotslashplay.it/HS-157/Hydrozincite/-/blob/master/LICENSE)

## Mirrors

* [forge.dotslashplay.it](https://forge.dotslashplay.it/HS-157/Hydrozincite) (source)
* [git.lett.re](https://git.lett.re/#Hydrozincite)

# Feedback

I take any constructive feedback to improves the project. You can find my email [here](https://forge.dotslashplay.it/HS-157/Hydrozincite/-/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
> inventaire.io-manga

git clone https://git.lett.re/public/inventaire.io-manga.git


			# FM2I - French Manga to Inventaire.io

Outil pour alimenter en données inventaire.io sur les mangas français.

Preuve de concept en cours de réalisation.

## Installation

Il est possible de tester en utilisant [PDM]("https://pdm.fming.dev/latest/"), il suffit de cloner ce dépôt et installer les dépendances :
pdm install

## Utilisation

Il faut commencer par scrap les infos depuis le site des maison d'édition, soit simplement depuis une série :

pdm run fm2i scrap --from-url "https://www.pika.fr/serie/chobits"

❯ pdm run fm2i scrap --from-url "https://www.pika.fr/serie/chobits"
Scrap : https://www.pika.fr/serie/chobits
Write « Chobits »

Ou soit en scrapant tout le site :

pdm run fm2i scrap --all

Puis, il est possible de voir les différences avec inventaire.io :
pdm run fm2i info --serie "Chobits"

❯ pdm run fm2i info --serie "Chobits"
            Chobits tome 1 - 9782811648282
┃ Value        ┃    publisher     ┃  inventaire.io   ┃
│ collection   │   Pika Seinen    │   Pika Seinen    │
│ page         │       184        │       184        │
│ publish_date │    2020-01-15    │    2020-01-15    │
│ publisher    │   Pika Édition   │   Pika Édition   │
│ title        │  Chobits tome 1  │    Chobits 1     │
│ translator   │ Nathalie Lejeune │ Nathalie Lejeune │
│ volume       │        1         │        1         │
           Chobits tome 2 - 9782811648299
┃ Value        ┃   publisher    ┃  inventaire.io   ┃
│ collection   │  Pika Seinen   │                  │
│ page         │      184       │                  │
│ publish_date │   2020-03-18   │       2020       │
│ publisher    │  Pika Édition  │   Pika Édition   │
│ title        │ Chobits tome 2 │    Chobits 2     │
│ translator   │                │ Nathalie Lejeune │
│ volume       │       2        │        2         │
> MoeMoeKyun

git clone https://git.lett.re/public/MoeMoeKyun.git


			# MoeMoeKyun

Moe Moe Kyun !

Application permettant d'afficher ce que joue MPD dans une page web, utiliser comme layout pour OBS.

git clone https://git.lett.re/public/npd.git


			# NPD - Now Player DelamusiquequejoueMPD

Application permettant d'afficher ce que joue MPD dans une page web, utiliser comme layout pour OBS.


## Dépendance

* Python
* aiohttp
* aiohttp_jinja2
* D'un navigateur web
> pkgbuild/pass-askpass

PKGBUILD of pass-askpass

git clone https://git.lett.re/public/pkgbuild/pass-askpass.git

> pkgbuild/wofipassmenu

PKGBUILD of wofipassmenu

git clone https://git.lett.re/public/pkgbuild/wofipassmenu.git

> wiki.lett.re

Wiki, des trucs qui peuvent être intérressant


git clone https://git.lett.re/public/wiki.lett.re.git


			# Wiki.lett.re